5 Ways the Brain Heals After Heroin Addiction

Heroin is a highly addictive drug that takes the lives of tens of thousands of people every year. Quitting heroin requires your full focus and attention, but it is possible. Each day, there are people working toward their recoveries and putting their addiction to heroin further behind them. Recovery is ongoing, but progress is always being made.

Whether you or a loved one is going through recovery, pay attention to the subtle but promising signs that recovery from heroin addiction is taking place. Let’s examine five ways that the brain heals after heroin addiction.

1. Mood is Regulated

Mood changes are common symptoms of addiction. When using opioids like heroin, pathways in the brain are altered and the neurotransmitters are damaged. This is what has an effect on the personality and also triggers erratic moods and behaviors. When the heroin is stopped, the brain’s level of endorphins and dopamine eventually balance out. This reduces stress and promotes a better sense of well-being.

2. Cravings are Less Often

Temptation and relapse are major concerns in early recovery. This is why having a well-organized aftercare plan is so important. By following this plan (which includes your support groups, counseling and self-care), you will be more successful in avoiding temptation and managing drug cravings. As the recovery process progresses, the urge to use heroin will get weaker.

3. Sleep is Improved

It’s difficult to have a consistent sleep-wake cycle when your body is going through withdrawal. But, after this process, you can develop healthy sleep habits. It’s best to use diet, exercise and relaxation techniques to encourage better sleep, though your doctor may recommend a sleep aid to combat insomnia. As you settle into this new schedule, your body will have more time for self-repair.

4. Hormones are Balanced

Heroin affects the way the body operates, and this includes the hormones. Hormones are responsible for so many things, including sleep, hunger, sex drive, weight management and energy. When they are out of whack, so is everything else. Quitting heroin balances out hormone levels, leading to improved sexual and endocrine function.

5. More Control over Emotions

Stopping heroin use allows your psychological health to improve. Finally, you can free yourself from the restraints of heroin. This is motivating and can help grow your self-confidence. Of course, quitting on its own is not enough. You need counseling with a trusted addiction specialist to work through underlying personal struggles.

Is heroin ruining your life or the life of someone you love? Call The River Source to learn more about our heroin addiction treatment programs. Once you stop using heroin, you can begin healing your brain and working toward a new and better life.

About the Author

Director of Marketing and Admissions

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