Success Rates for Outpatient Addiction Treatment

What Is Outpatient Addiction Treatment?

There are a lot of choices when it comes to treatment for substance use disorders. At The River Source, we offer medical detox, inpatient rehab, outpatient rehab, and alumni services for all our clients. Outpatient addiction treatment is one of the levels of care available at The River Source and our success rates for outpatient addiction treatment have proven to be effective in treating addiction Outpatient rehab can include multiple individual therapies and group counseling sessions throughout the week but does not include the 24-hour care component of residential inpatient treatment. 

For more information on how our addiction treatment programs can help heal drug or alcohol dependence, please give The River Source a call at 866-294-9331.

How Effective Is Outpatient Addiction Treatment?

Outpatient addiction treatment is highly effective. One of the reasons is that it is very flexible and lets individuals participate in addiction therapy on a schedule that works for them. Outpatient substance abuse treatment is also open-ended and can last as long as a person needs to feel comfortable in everyday life without regularly scheduled treatment. 

Benefits of Outpatient Rehab for Alcohol and Drugs

There are many benefits regarding outpatient rehab for alcohol and drugs, and people with supportive families and friends can use this as a resource for relapse prevention. Although outpatient rehab does not take place in a 24-hour care environment, there are many specialized programs within this level of care that can meet the needs of individuals. 

See how the perception of drug abuse has changed over the years in our blog below:

How Our Perception of Drug Abuse Has Changed Over the Years

Outpatient vs. Inpatient Treatment 

There are many available treatment types if there is a silver lining to needing abuse and addiction treatment for drugs or alcohol. Care for alcohol abuse, alcohol addiction, drug abuse, and drug addiction can be very flexible. The goal of any treatment center that is working with people with Substance Use Disorders is to help them begin their addiction recovery, not to make them conform to one single way of getting there. There are pros and cons to both residential inpatient treatment and outpatient rehab, and there is also merit in combining these two levels of care. Remember, one individual’s continuum of care will look a lot different than the next person’s, even if the symptoms of their drug abuse seem similar. Here are a few pros and cons regarding each significant type of treatment available for alcohol and drug use disorders:

Outpatient Drug Rehab


  • Flexibility: this is probably the number one benefit of outpatient substance abuse treatment.
  • Schedule: Individual therapy and group counseling sessions are available throughout the day, morning, noon, and night, as well as on weekends.
  • Responsibilities: Individuals can continue to go to work and school and are home every night to take care of family members and household tasks.


  • Environment: A higher risk of being exposed to bad influences, risks, and relapse triggers
  • Divided Focus: Working on being successful in addiction recovery and taking care of life’s responsibilities simultaneously can be a lot.
  • Support: Although support may be available by phone or attending a meeting, the 24 care of a treatment facility is not available during outpatient rehab. 

Inpatient Drug Rehab


  • Safety and Security: Rehab centers provide instant stability to someone who has had their life negatively impacted by drugs or alcohol.
  • Relapse Prevention: There is no easy access to alcohol and drugs, and there are always people to talk to if an individual is in distress. 
  • Amount and Level of Treatment: Intensive group and individual therapy sessions throughout each day, along with many alternative options like yoga, music, and art therapies. 


  • Time: Your entire schedule is within the treatment facility, and all outside responsibilities must be set aside for a length of time. 
  • Structure: Inpatient treatment is highly scheduled basically around the clock, which might not be a good fit for some people. 
  • Limited Programs: Although patients receive more behavioral therapy, life skills, coping skills, and other relapse prevention training during inpatient rehab, it is a finite treatment program and may not be all a person needs to get 100% on track. 

success rates for outpatient addiction treatment

Outpatient Addiction Treatment at The River Source

If you are considering beginning treatment for drugs and alcohol, even if you are unsure if you are ready to commit to a program, give us a call today. Our highly trained counselors will review all the options to make you comfortable choosing the available levels of care. Contact The River Source at 866-294-9331 today to discover more about our outpatient addiction treatment options.

About the Author

Director of Marketing and Admissions

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