Tips for a Sober Memorial Day

Kick off your shoes and bust out those grills – Memorial Day weekend is almost here! Memorial Day is one of the most popular summer holidays to celebrate because it marks the start of summer, the changing weather and the opening of swimming pools and water parks. Like other summer holidays, alcohol also tends to show up. This can make it hard for recovering alcoholics to know how and where to celebrate.

Being in recovery has its challenges, but it doesn’t mean that you should miss out on enjoying the summer holidays. Below are some tips for a sober Memorial Day that we think you’ll find helpful. Don’t forget to check out these amazing non-alcoholic summer party drinks that everyone will love!

Hang Out with Friends in Recovery

Though it can feel lonely at times, you are not the only person celebrating a sober Memorial Day. Plenty of others are doing it, too, either by choice or because they are in recovery themselves. Reach out to your fellow recovering addicts and spend extra time with them this summer. You can host an alcohol-free party or fill the time by going to the movies or a weekend hiking trip. They’ll appreciate the friendship right now, too.

Pre-Plan All of Your Activities

One thing that is very important in early recovery is pre-arranging all of your activities. This allows you to plan ahead for the right types of activities in the right kinds of places. If you simply wing it, you could find yourself in an uncomfortable position where you don’t know what to do. Start by checking out activities in your area that you know you can attend. If you can’t find anything, consider spending your time helping out at a food pantry or grilling for the residents at a nursing home.

Put Together an Exit Strategy

Now that the summer is almost here, it’s a good idea to have an exit strategy that you can rely on. An exit strategy is what you follow if you’re out somewhere and things get out of hand. If you’re the one driving, it’s pretty easy to get out and leave. If you’re not always the one driving, download an app like Lyft or Uber so that you always have a quick way to leave a bad situation. Also have people from your support network on call, as well as a recovery app with quick links to support forums.

Keep Recovery Your #1 Priority

Just because it’s summer doesn’t mean you should slack off on your recovery. It should remain a priority. To keep your recovery on track, continue eating healthy meals, staying hydrated and getting adequate rest each night. Enjoy extra time outdoors now that the weather is nice, and be proactive about the choices you make. There may be more temptation, but there are many ways to be sober and celebrate!

Are you ready to start your recovery? The River Source has various programs that you can participate in over the summer. Start your road to healthy, sober living today!

About the Author

Director of Marketing and Admissions

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